Tuesday - Sexual Objects Session for Vic, plus our good friends over at Gerry Loves told us a bit more themselves as my 8th DIY label
Wednesday - Zoobizaretta became the 35th entry into the coveted Scots Way-Hay club
Thursday - there was a wee announcement of a special gig in November (more of that below). There was also a wee interview with the lovely folk at Instinctive Racoon in my DIY series
Friday - there was some of the finest freebies in ages, including tunes from FOUND, French Wives and The Phantom Band. There were also sessions from Edwyn Collins and Citizens.
Saturday - my We've Got It Covered feature brought you Ballboy's unique take off Springsteen classic
News, gigs and any other gubbins......

As part of this years Oxjam Festival, I've managed to secure a pretty awesome lineup, gracing the stage in the name of charity will be none other than Super Adventure Club , Bronto Skylift , Carnivores and Campfires in Winter.All of this for a fiver, cannae complain. Since this is part of Oxjam all the proceeds from the gig will go directly to Oxfam. So come out, do your bit for charity and listen to a night of LOUD and AWESOME music. Tickets are £5 on the door, first come first served, so get down early!

Our good friends over at Elba Sessions celebrate their first birthday next Friday,the 8th of October. In true Elba style they've lined up an eclectic evening at their spiritual home, The Liquid Ship, featuring Cuddly Shark, Julia and The Doogans, Yusuf Azak, Jonathan Sebastian Knight (My Cousin I Bid You Farewell) and Paul McLinden (who was the first performer to grace the Elba stage). Elba blog-master Phil notes: 'Unfortunately we couldn’t ask everyone, there were quite simply too many people and we didn’t quite have it in us to organise a five day festival but we’re proud of the line up and hope that you will join us to celebrate a good year where we have met so many good people who have helped us out, whether it be a mention on their blog, sending us some music to listen to or even the odd follow friday on twitter!!' As it is a special occasion the night has moved from its usual Thursday night slot to Friday. The evening starts at 8.30pm sharp and it is free entry as always.

Tomorrow sees the relaunch of Too Many Fireworks, you might remember I featured them as part of my Scottish DIY Labels feature. The label returns with release of label owner, Neil Milton's 'Elements EP'. Recorded in Neil’s adopted home of Warsaw, the EP contains five short pieces of modern-classical music, each loosely inspired by one of the medieval elements. In August, the collection soundtracked the short film "We Sink Ships: Elements", by the now defunct art collaboration We Sink Ships, when shown at the Edinburgh Arts Festival. Check out the labels homepage for further details.

Former Fresh Meat starlets, Indian Red Lopez, continue their mini tour of Scotland this week. The Aberdeenshire 'guitars 'n' electronics outfit' are at The Greenside in Glenrothes tonight, followed by an appearance King Tuts on Tuesday (5th). In Glasgow the band will be supporting ever-rising Northamptonshire electro-popsters Fenech Soler. The band then had across to Holland for mini tour after that.
Indian Red Lopez - 'My Eyes'

To round things off this week here's a little taster from Shambles Miller's forthcoming EP, 'Shambles Sails the Clockwork Sea'. The EP isn't out until the 22nd of October when he'll also be having the launch night, in the Liquid Ship in Glasgow. It's free entry, so make sure you make it in your diaries kids!
Shambles Miller - Strike! by peenko
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