12 November 2011

We've Got It Covered #76

It's amazing how a morning of CBeebies (kids TV) can turn your brain to mush, once again I find myself with various kids theme tunes stuck in my head. It used to be that I'd find myself spending my days with the latest hipster tunes stuck in my head, nowadays my earworms tend to be more along the lines of the Zingzillas or Chuggington theme tunes (if you don't know what I am talking abut, don't ask). I guess what I am trying to say is that nowadays it's a bit more tricky for me to have the chance to listen to as much music as I once used to. Then again I used to listen to a helluva lot of music, it's just that the real life restricts these kind of things.
Fuck, I'm rambling again, sorry, sleep deprivation does that to me...
This week has been a bit of a crazy one, on Sunday night I got my first chance to visit the BBC Scotland building as part of The Moth & The Mirror's entourage* for their Radio One Session. Then on Monday I put on a gig at Mono with The Shivers, Randolph's Leap and Where We Lay Our Heads, which was a hell of a lot of fun. Thanks to everyone that came out on a cold Monday evening, I am pretty sure you'll agree it was worth it. For those of you who didn't make it along, you can read a review of the gig here.
This week coming also looks like it could be a good un, on Tuesday night myself and a few of my fellow bloggers are going along to a seminar being put on by Universal. Then hopefully if I can persuade one of them to come with me, we'll get ourselves down to Stereo to catch St Vincent, followed by Monoganon, at the Old Hairdressers. Which in a roundabout way brings me to this weeks cover version which comes from Monoganon and their cover of The Baptist Generals 'Ay Distress'. If you like what you hear get yourself along to the Old Hairdressers (across from Stereo) on Tuesday for their free gig. Right I think that's enough rambling for one day, hope you like the tune...

Monoganon - Ay Distress (Baptist Generals cover)

* by entourage, I meant just me

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