Zoey Van Goey
Tomorrow night at Stereo, Zoey Van Goey are going to be celebrating the released of their very limited edition remix EP. The EP which is called ‘Sexy Rave Eye Zooming’, is limited to just 350 copies, features remixes from local luminaries such as We Were Promised Jetpacks, FOUND, Jonnie Common, Adam Stafford, GRNR, K-Projekt, Gareth Griffiths, On The Fly, and Miaoux Miaoux. The only way to get a physical copy of one of the CDs is by going to the gig, which also features special guests Kid Canaveral, live remixes from GRNR, plus visuals from Katy Wilson.
In anticipation of the gig/EP you can download We Were Promised Jetpacks remix of City Is Exploding for free on Bandcamp.
Stevie Jackson
Not one to rest on his laurels, Belle & Sebastian's Stevie Jackson has been busy working away on his debut album, (I Can't Get No) Stevie Jackson. As a wee taster of what you can expect he's made the track 'Man of God' available for a limited period as a free download. If this is anything to go by then this could be one cracking wee album, it certainly sounds a lot more enjoyable than his full time band have done in recent years.
I Build Collapsible Mountains
The older I get, the more time flies by, I could have sworn that the forthcoming I Build Collapsible Mountains album wasn't out for months yet. It is in fact out on the 11th of October, almost exactly a year to the day after I released his debut EP. I have heard the album and can vouch that it's a fucking great wee album, you don't have to take my word for it though as you can download the lead track from the album, Face Of Thunder Grin, for free here.
The True Gents
Perthshire musical collective, The True Gents' are giving away their new single as a free download here (right click save). Fans of folk like Washington Irving and the French Wives should really check these guys out.
Asian Dub Foundation
Bloody hell, who knew that Asian Dub Foundation were still going, obviously not fucking me that's who. It's always nice when something like this from your past comes along, it reminds me of fun times dancing like a loon ball to 'Free Satpal Ram', ah those were good times. Anyway, they band have released an exclusive free remix of their track “Where’s All The Money Done?” which you can find here.
Bird And The Monkey
Scottish left-field pop duo, Bird And The Monkey have their new Ossie Dean EP free to download on their homepage. I have only had a chance to listen to the EP once, but I will certainly be going back for a few more listens as this is rather lovely stuff.
The Glasgow dream poppers have just released their new single 'Nowhere Floating', as a free download on their Bandcamp page. If you like what you hear then you can catch the band live on the following dates: G2 - September 30th, The Captain's Rest - October 9th, Club 520 - October 21st and Stairway - November 4th.
Tanera Heights
Glasgow three piece, Tanera Heights have made their new E.P free to download, you can grab yourself a copy here.
Drunk Mule
Bloody hell, Drunk Mule aren't ones for sitting on their hands, having only just recently posted up an albums worth of free material, they've now just made new track 'Crash Test Y'self' free to download on Bandcamp.
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