Laki Mera
I have to admit that Laki Mera had until recently completely passed me by, however, have to hearing them record a number of session they've somewhat turned my head with their electronic folk-pop. If you haven't already checked them out and you want to give them a chance, you can download a remix of their song How Dare You by signing up to their mailing list here.
DJ Shadow
Californian hip-hop artist, DJ Shadow has just released his new single 'Warning Cell' which is taken from his forthcoming album 'The Less You Know The Better'. It features the elusive Tom Vek and you can download it for free by clicking 'like' on Facebook.
Lisa Hannigan
In the run up to her much-anticipated second album, ‘Passenger’ next month, Folk Radio have posted up new song 'A Sail' for free download on their website.
Ghost Pants
Not content with his duties as the drummer in Dananananaykroyd, Paul Carlin has been busy working away on his solo project Ghost Pants. Having already released a series of cracking EPs and singles which he gave away for free, now he's just posted up his first ever Ghost Pant's album 'In Ochre'. I guess it's not much of a secret that I am big fan of this lo-fi side project, so it should come as no surprise that I have been enjoying this album a lot this week (well since yesterday at least. You can download it now via Bandcamp, it's one of those pay what you want deals, so it's up to you if you want to part any cash.
Pioneers Of Anaesthetic
One thing that I am really open to is recommendations of artists that I should check out, in the past few months a couple of folk have suggested that I check out Steven Cossar aka Pioneers Of Anaesthetic. Having listened to a shed load of stuff on his SoundCloud page, I have pretty much been listening to his stuff none stop this week. You can make your own mind up whether his music is for you by downloading his 27 track album (they're very short songs) 'Freak Past-Tense Despatch Hatch (Ocula)' for free on his Bandcamp page.
Pearl Jam
Next week sees the release of Cameron Crowe's Pearl Jam documentary which marks the bands 20th anniversary (fuck that makes me feel very fucking old). In the run up to it's release the band have made their song 'Ole' free to download here.
Run Lucky Free
At the start of next month Edinburgh indie four piece, Run Lucky Free release their new single 'The Factory', as a wee pre-cursor of what you can expect you can download a free acoustic EP from their SoundCloud page.
Bloody hell time really does fly by, I can't fully believe that Mr Kowalskiy is now up to his 15th EP. This month he's got another cracking wee line up (no surprise there then), this time roudn he's got free tracks from Will Hanson, Adopted As Holograph, Capitals, Hold The Suspect and Trapped Mice. You can download all of these tracks for free via his Bandcamp.
Where We Lay Our Heads
It feels like ages since i have posted anything from Glagsow outfit, Where We Lay Our Heads, not that they haven't been up to much, it's just that I am a bit rubbish at keeping on top of things these days. If you're out and about tomorrow they're supporting I Am From Barcelona at the Arches in Glasgow. In anticipation of the gig they're giving away their track 'A Collapsed Lung' for free in exchange for a tweet/facebook post.
Laurence Made Me Cry
It's not very often that I pay attention to up and coming music that isn't Scottish, pretty much because I just don't have the time to anymore. However, occasionally I do pick up on bits and bobs that trickle through. This week I have been listening to a lot to Cardiff folk singer, Laurence Made Me Cry, aka Jo Whitby, her The Rain Song EP is up for free download on her Bandcamp and it's well worth checking out.
Drunk Mule
I had meant to post this up last week, but that's not to say that it's not worth checking out. I am not 100% certain where Drunk Mule are from, I somehow have the idea they're from Fife, but then again I might well be talking pish. One thing I can say for certain is that there's a whole host of stuff up for grabs on their Bandcamp, if you like good time bluesy rock, then this should be right up your street.
Merci Beaucoup Lloyd!