By the time this post goes live I should hopefully be in Paris, either that or I will still be sitting at Prestwick Airport cursing and swearing about Ryan Air being shite. Hopefully though I'll be in big gay Paris, myself, Nic and a few friends are flying out to go and see Scotland take on the mighty French at rugby. Having only ever been to one away game, at Twickenham when I was about 12, I am pretty excited about our wee adventure. Not only that, but I am also looking forward to my first proper lie in for months. As much as I love Erin, I could really do with her learning that 7am on a Sunday isn't the best time for her to start her baby singing.
Anyway, that's enough of an incite into my life for one week on with the cover version, which comes from the awesome Sparrow and the Workshop and their cover of the Cars 'Just What I Needed'. The song originally found it's way out on to the web just a few weeks after Erin was born, so seeing as this will be the first night that we won't be with her I thought it was kind of fitting as it reminds me of her when she was just a tiny wee thing. There's also a wee video that you can watch on Youtube, which is nice. Until next week au revoir!
Sparrow and the Workshop - Just What I Needed (Cars cover)
great cover, thanks... enjoy the crepes.