Fleet Foxes
On Monday night the Internet went officially bat shit crazy for a few hours with the exciting news that the Fleet Foxes are coming back, with a new album and massive tour (no Scottish date yet). As a taster of what you can expect from their new material they are giving away their amazing new track 'Helplessness Blues' for free, if this is anything to go by then boy are we in for a treat.
The Streets
Love him or hate him, I think it's fair to say that Mr Skinners debut album, 'Original Pirate Material' is a fucking epic record. No question. Having decided to retire his Streets moniker with his final album 'Computers and Blues', I think he's going out on a bit of a high with this record. If you're not too sure if it's still your bag, then you can download '4 O'Clock Today' for nowt off Amazon.
Butcher Boy
Anyone who caught Butcher Boy supporting Belle and Sebastian at their last Barrowlands show should agree that the new material from the Glasgow indie outfit is sounding pretty damn sweet. If you haven't heard of them before then do yourself a favour and get downloading 'Clockwork' which is taken from their second album 'React Or Die', then go and buy the actual album. It's a hidden classic, trust me.
Azure Ray
If you haven't got any plans for this evening then might I suggest that you get yourself down to King Tuts for an evening of indie-joy. Having been on a bit of a hiatus for the past few years the amazing Azure Ray are back in town and they've asked Glasgow's finest, Beerjacket to support for the evening. If you haven't heard of Azure Ray before, then get that rectified by downloading this collaboration they recorded with Sparkelhorse.
Come On Gang!
Last week I was lucky enough to have been asked to appear on Pop Goes The Revolution on Subcity (you happy now George?!), I got asked to choose 4 songs to play. Seeing as I do this weekly post I thought it made sense for me to select songs that are freely available on the internet. One of my choices was the poptastic, 'Fortune Favours The Brave' from Come On Gang!. Sadly the band have decided to call it a day, but not before going out with one final hurrah, which will also be there album launch. If I am honest about it, I am pretty gutted about them splitting, for me they're another holiday romance band, just as soon I've fallen for them they'll be gone for good. On a more positive note, they have crafted on the best albums I have heard so far this year. Anyway, enough of that ramble, you didn't come here to be rambled at, you are here for free stuff and that's what you're going to get. Just head over to their Bandcamp where you will find free download of the aforementioned song, plus a download of former single Wheels.
French Wives
Those luverly French Wives really have left the best till last as they begin to roundup their series of Home Fires freebies by giving away Me vs Me, one of their finest moments to date. Their new EP is due out later in the month, look out for as it's a corking wee release.
de Selby
It's been a while since we've heard much from the Second Hand Marching Band, so ti came as a nice surprise to find out that not only have they been practising new material, but one of them has gone off and formed his own wee side project. Step forward, Alistair Beith, who has roped in some of his fellow Marchers to record an EP under the banner of de Selby. The EP has been getting some heavy rotation in my car this week, it reminds me a touch of Burnt Island. No bad thing in my eyes, if you fancy hearing the EP you can download it as one of those pay what you want deals on Bandcamp. If you like what you hear then there is a limited edition CD that you can buy too, it's awffa pretty.
Dear Mountaineer
If you missed my Scots Way-Hay post earlier in the week, then now's the time to do some much needed catching up. At the time I found myself bemoaning the lack of a full track on their Bandcamp page, then I ended up looking rather foolish when they posted up the excellent 'The Hare Versus The Bear' on their Bandcamp. Again it's a pay what you want kind of download, so it's up to you if you want to download it for free then on your shoulders so be it. Either way I urge you to check this four piece out.
Technically it's not a freebie as it' one of those pay what you want deals, but hey there is an option to pay fuck all, so if your conscience can cope with that then you will find a free download of a recording of Yeasayer in Belgium here.
Now Wakes The Sea
A few months back I posted a freebie from Now Wakes The Sea, this was shortly before a gig he was playing for Elba Session. Being the nugget that I am, I hadn't realised they weren't the original band that had been booked up to play. The original band were my mates band, so when I came across the freebie I automatically thought it was my mates band and I started to profess about me being mates Now Wakes The Sea. Yes, I am fuck nugget. On the brighter side he really impressed me at the gig, now his new EP 'Oral Arms' is up for free download I would suggest you check it out. One day I hope that he becomes my friend too.
North American War
Matthew 'Song By Toad' wrote a cracking wee review of an EP from North American War earlier in the week, the review caught my attention for two reasons. One it was released on the awesome Winning Sperm Party label, and two it's free to download. I would suggest you read the Toads review, then if it sounds like your cup of tea you can download it for free here.
Bear Driver
I have already admit how much I like this Leeds pop outfit, so it was good to hear that they're heading out to this years SXSW. In the build up to their big adventures the band are giving away a new track every other week until they fly out. Awesome stuff.
Julia and the Doogans
The female fronted Glasgow indie folk outfit have a pretty new website, to celebrate it's prettiness they've made one of their demos available to download for free.
I really don't seem to be able to get away from Yuck, I am almost at the stage were I am determined not to like them, but I know that eventually I am going to cave in. Perhaps it will be this free download of 'Coconut Bible' that will push me over the edge. We wait with bated breath.
The Barettas
The singer from this trio from Hamilton, Ontario sounds a lot like Gwen Stefani, if that's a plus in your boo then get downloading their single Touche, there's also an awesome wee video for you to admire too.
Vivian Girls
Stereogum have a free download of a new Vivian Girls song.
Esben and the Witch
The internet seems to be spaffing over this lot, I can't get past their shite name. If you are less fickle than me you will be pleased to know that you can get yourself a free download of their song 'Warpath' in exchange for your email address.
Valentine Records - Doolittle
The Manchester label has just posted up a free download of a covers album of the Pixies classic, it includes Neil Miltons take on Wave of Mutilation.
Smith Westerns
Another band getting a lot of hype at the moment are Chicago trio, Smith Western, their album 'Dye It Blonde' has been getting a fair few spins on my MP3 player over the past couple of weeks. I still haven't quite made my mind up if it's for me or not, if you fancy checking them out you can download their song Weekend for free via KEXP.
blood blood
A very late addition to this weeks freebies comes courtesy of Glasgow lo-fi outfit, blood blood, who I cam across courtesy of Happy Particles Facebook update. If you are quick off the mark then you will find a couple of free EPs to download here.
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