Holy fuck a McMoly, time certainly does fly in doesn't! Was it really way back in May that we announced that myself and Ayetunes were going to putting on another one of our 'leg-end-ary' gigs together. I guess that time has a certain way of creeping up on you, as in less than a week away we'll be taking over Stereo for our fourth 'vs' gig and desperately pretending that we're proper promoters and that we know what we're doing (usually the bands see us right!).
In case you'd forgotten the line up it looks something like this Mondegreen, Miaoux Miaoux, PAWS and Adam Stafford - whose been daft enough to let us use this as his album launch.
If you haven't heard any of the bands before, then trust me they're all fucking great, but then again I would think that as we chose them.
I will warn you in advance there will be more shameless plugging of the gig throughout this week, so don't start moaning if I start to repeat myself, I'm just a little bit excited that's all.
If you get the chance make sure you tune into Vic Galloway's Radio Scotland show tomorrow night as Adam Stafford is in doing a wee session, which I am really looking forward to.
If you fancy booking your tickets in advance then you can buy them online here or you could always head down to Ticket Scotland as I think they had a handful left. Either way it'd be great to see some of you coming along for what should be a great night of music, plus there may also be sweets and hugs, but don't let that put you off.

If you can't make it to our AvP gig next Saturday (20th) and you reside in Edinburgh, then you might want to get yourself along to Pilrig Church, where Oxjam are putting on one of their takeover gigs featuring The Last Battle, Sebastian Dangerfield and Letters. Tickets for the gig are available from online here or you could get your backside down to Avalanche and get them for just £5, otherwise it's £7 on the door, plus it's BYOB, nice. Further information can be found on Facebook.

One of my favourite local bands, French Wives have been busy in the studio recording their debut album, which is due out on Electric Honey Records next year. They've just completed tracking the album, so to celebrate they're putting on an intimate wee gig in Glasgow at the 13th Note on the 4th of September. Support on the evening comes from Shields from Newcastle and Perthshire outift, Poor Things. Tickets are for the gig are only £5 on the door, you might want to make sure you get down nice and early to this one as it should be pretty rammed.
After giving away new song 'Act On Impulse', We Were Promised Jetpacks have provided us with another wee taster of what to expect from their forthcoming album, by posting up their new single 'Medicine' to stream on Souncloud. The band are also going to be playing live on Ally McCrae's BBC Introducing show on Radio 1 live from The Bongo Club in Edinburgh on September 4th. Joining them on the evening will be Profisee, Bwani Junction and Hostage, there were some free tickets for the gig up for grabs here, but I am guessing that by the time that this goes up they'll be well gone.
Right we'll wrap this wee ramble up and leave you with this odd as fuck video from Lady North, who's split single with PAWS came out on Monday there through Gerry Loves Records
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