Another Saturday, another cover. I swear these post are getting earlier every week. Seeing as me and my wife rotate our weekend lie ins, Saturdays have become my morning to get up with Erin. In this past week she's started deciding that 6am on the dot is a good time to wake up, it's not, it's really not. I spoke to a friend about this the other day as I was bemoaning the fact that I had only had about 5 hours sleep that night. He duly informed me that I best get used to surviving on that amount of sleep from now on, and that soon my body clock will get used to having such little sleep. Being a big fan of my bed this thought scares me a fare bit, mainly cause I can be a bit of a lazy bugger. On the plus side though, waking up so early will give me more time to try and keep on top the blog and the label, whilst Erin causes mayhem around the house.
Talking of blog related stuff, I am going to be putting on my third ever Peenko Live Sessions a week on Thursday. I will be posting about it in the next couple of days, however, if you are interested in coming along then you can find out all of the details on my BigCartel page.
If you do fancy coming along make sure you book your space nice and early, as there were only 20 places available a few of which are already gone.
Which in no way whatsoever links me to this weeks cover version from the awesome Sparrow & the Workshop. Their new album 'Spitting Daggers' comes out this Monday and I must admit I am a wee bit excited about getting my hands on a copy. Sadly I won't be able to make it along to their headline show at King Tuts on Monday night (I have a good excuse), however, that shouldn't stop you from going to check out one of the finest bands that Scotland has recently produced. Plus as if that wasn't enough, Peenko favourites Le Reno Amps and Haight Ashbury are supporting. Anyway, I think that's enough rambling for one morning, here's a wee cover that the Sparra kids did when they were in session for Vic Galloway last year...
Sparrow and the Workshop-Trouble In Paradise (Loretta Lynn cover)
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