Panda Su
It feels like ages since we've heard anything new from the awesome Panda Su, her last EP, ‘Sticks & Bricks’ was a particular favourite round these parts, and she is now set to release her follow-up EP 'I Begin' in late April. She kicks off a UK tour tonight in Edinburgh at Sneaky Pete's, so if you're in that neck of the woods then get yourself down, oh and make sure you get down early as I Build Collapsible Mountains is supporting. As a prelude to what you can expect from her new EP she's posted up 'Alphabet Song' from it for free download on Soundcloud.
The Kabeedies
This indie-pop outfit are arguably the finest thing to come out of Norwich since Alan Partridge, and now they've very kindly made their new single 'Santiago' available for free download. The band have just embarked on a UK tour, sadly there are no dates planned for north of the border, so you'll have to console yourself with this little pop gem.
Conquering Animal Sound/Debutant
To celebrate the fact that their first release featuring Conquering Animal Sound and Debutant has just broke even, they're giving away all of digital tracks for free. What a nice bunch they are, you can still get your mucky paws on the lovely 7"; vinyl version, although there aren't too many left. Which reminds me, I bought this ages ago and I still haven't bought a record player. Anyone got any suggestions of somewhere I could pick one up for not a lot of pennies?
The label is also putting on a night at the Captians Rest in Glasgow this Saturday to celebrate the release of their new split EP which features The Japanese War Effort, Fox Gut Daata, Miaoux Miaoux and Wounded Knee. If you're not going to Come On Gang!s final show then I would urge you to get along to this one.
Bobby Womb
Next month see Falkirk's finest (excluding Arab Strap), Y'All Is Fantasy Island call it a day with a wee gig in Edinburgh. I don't have the date or venue to hand, sorry, although I am sure Jim 'Ayetunes' will comment with it. Anyway, it's going to be a pretty sad loss as they've been one of the most creative outfits that this wee nation of ours has ever produced. On the plus side it looks as if they're all going to be keep going with music in one way or another. Adam Stafford's album which isn't due out until some time in the summer, is already one of my favourite albums of 2011. But before then you can treat your earbuds to Jon McCall aka Bobby Womb, who used to play clarinet and drums in Yifi, as he's just released a solo EP which you can download for free here.
I know I write a music blog, but I honestly don't myself having as much time as I used to in order to listen to new music, that's why I really appreciate getting recommendations from my mates, as it makes my job a lot fucking easier. This is my roundabout way of passing the credit for this freebie on to my friend Ian who writes Have Fun At Dinner. It was him that passed this little nugget on to me last week, it's an awesome wee find and I am chuffed to bits that he passed it on. All you need to know for now is the band are called Airlines and you can download a free mini album here.
French Wives
All good things must come to an end, sadly this week it's the last in the series of the French Wives 'Homefires' posts, which means no more weekly freebies. Going out on a bit of a high with their former single, 'Halloween', the band are now gearing up for their forthcoming new EP, 'Feel Safe Small' and a 17 date tour across the UK. Tickets for their Scottish dates appear to be close to selling out, so make sure you get your tickets well in advance.
Technically not a freebie as it's one of those pay what you want scenarios, however, it's too good not to include. I first heard of Kasule after Campfires in Winter were likened to them in a review back last summer, I know the it made Boab very happy but I was none the wiser. That was until they posted up their new album 'demonstration' on their Bandcamp, then I soon realised why he was so chuffed as it's quite simply stunning. My advice would be stream the songs first as you're going to feel pretty guilty after listening to it if you downloaded it for free. Whatever you do, just make sure you check this out.
Josh T Pearson
The former Lift To Experience frontman has just released his new album 'Last of the Country Gentlemen', and the Independent have a free download of track "Woman when I've raised hell" from it for free here.
Lad Lazurus
I came across this freebie via the awesome PAWS, who I will be featuring pretty damn soon. Otherwise I am pretty sure it would have totally passed me by, I can't tell you much about Laz Lazarus, I think they're from up north somewhere. All I do know for certain is that they have some awesome scuzzed pop rocksongs and that a whole load of their tunes are up for grabs for free on their Bandcamp.
The Ballad of Alice & Kitty
I honestly can't remember who tipped me off about this freebie, I must have bookmarked it earlier in the week, but my goldfish like memory fails me. If you're reading this and thinking that was me what tweeted about this, thank you as it's a great wee freebie that deserved to be shared. It's ramshackle country folk at it's very best and you can download it for nowt here.
Entire Cities
Canadian outfit Entire Cities have just released their new album 'I Hope You Never Come Home', of which they've made 'Gimme A Ride' and 'Oh Dear, Oh Dear, Oh Dear' available for free download on their Bandcamp, fans of the Old Steady take note this should be right up your street.
Evil Hand
Derek Bates, one half of Bottle of Evil, has lunched his own solo project Evil Hand, he's recorded a whole abums worth of material and he's very kindly posted it all up for free download on his Bandcamp.
Gigantic Music Sampler
There is a free compilation album on Amazong featuring tracks from The Walkmen, The Rumble Strips and Harlem Shakes, download it here.
Sea of Bees
Head on over to Soundcloud where you will find a free download of Conquering Animal Sound Remixing Wizbot.
J Mascis
Stereogum have a free download of new J Mascis tune 'Is It Done'
KEXP have a free download of new song 'So It Goes'
Sound of Guns
Download their song 'Breakwater' for free here.
YiFI gig is 11th March, venue is Sneaky Pete's. Support is from Loch Awe and Two Wings. :)
Loch Awe
Also, yuss, got in before Jim!!
ReplyDeleteThe Gerry Loves gig is NEXT Saturday though, so one can attend Come on Gang! and that one.
Lad Lazarus have pretty much gone away now I think. I saw them way back at Define Pop Fest 2. Half of them is Phillip from PAWS.