Thirty Pounds Of Bone
I want to start this post by apologising to Phil at Elba Sessions, for almost a year he's been raving about Thirty Pounds Of Bone, did I pay any attention to him, did I bollocks. Along comes Al from Armellodie and suddenly I find myself raving about him. Phil you were right all along and I'm sorry. If you fancy finding out what he was getting all excited about then you're in luck as you can download his song Crack Shandy in the Harbour taken from his forthcoming album Method, for free here.
Admiral Fallow
For any of you out there who have tickets to see Frightened Rabbit on their UK tour, make sure you get your backside down nice and early as these guys (n girl) are the opening act. Already fairing pretty well on a number of Scottish bloggers album of the year lists, if you haven't already checked them out then now is the time to get yourself acquainted. There are two free downloads up for grabs on their Bandcamp page, an alternative version of their song 'Delivered', plus as if that wasn't enough the rather fabulous 'Subbuteo' is also up for grabs too on their Bandcamp. I should also like to point out that it was my good friend Luke (aka I Build Collapsible Mountains) that took the picture of the Subbuteo figurine. Also, Jamie - that is what happened to your Everton player....
French Wives
Having recently picked the first ever Scotsman Radar Prize a few weeks back, those lovely French Wives aren't ones to rest on their laurels. Continuing on with their series of Home Fires posts, on Monday they posted up their song 'We're All Away'. You can get it for free here, be quick though as it'll only be up for a few more days.
Last Sunday I saw FOUND for the first time in ages and it confirmed it one thing for me, the release of their new album on Chemikal Underground is going to be pretty damn special. Until it's release we're going to have to make do with their weekly freebie, as always I do this in advance so I have no idea what this song is going to be. All I know is that you can get it here.
King Creosote
Ever wondered what Mr Anderson would sound like covering Underworld, then wonder no more as you can pick yourself up a free download of his take of 'Always Loved A Film' here.
Trapped Mice
Up and coming Edinburgh starlets, Trapped Mice are set to release their first proper EP, 'Portrait of the Great Father' on the 4th of December as a limited edition run of CD's. Being the kind souls that they are, they've posted up the EP for free download already, you can find it here.
Scotland's finest postrockers return with their new album, 'Hardcore Will Never Die, But You Will' on the 14th of February, stuff flowers I know what I am buying Mrs Peenko for Valentines Day this year. If you head over to Pitchfork just now then you'll find a wee link to download 'Rano Pano' from it for nowt. While I'm thinking about Pitchfork, what the fuck was that 10/10 review for Kanye West all about, fucking hipsters....
The Edinburgh recorded a cracking wee session for Vic Galloway earlier in the week, if you liked what you heard or you missed it, then you can find out more by grabbing yourself a free download of their single 'Hello World' from their website in exchange for your email address.
Gay For Johnny Depp
You can download their new single Get 'Pink Flag' for free here in exchange for your email address.
Pacific Theatre
In the build up to their show at King Tut's, Pacific Theatre have decided to give away a free download of their track, 'A Silent Argument' here.
Ryan Adams
Stereogum have a free download of a previously unreleased MP3 from Ryan Adams forthcoming 'Cardinals III/IV', get it here.
Lykke Li
Head over to SoundCloud for a free download of Lykke Li's new single ‘Get Some’ plus b- side ‘Paris Blue’. While you're listening to your new tunes check out this fan page, it's quite possibly the funniest site I've seen all year.
Gang Of Four
The Guardian has posted up a free download of a new EP from old school punks, Gang Of Four, you can get yer grubby little paws on it here.
Kate And After
Our good friend Kowalskiy featured this Swedish band a few weeks back, being a bit slow to give the a listen. They're on my never ending to do lost, but I am going to trust the docs judgement with this one, you can too by downloading their EP 'Things To Do' for free here.
Bear Driver/Sky Larkin
I am a big fan of Bear Driver, so it came as a nice surprise to find out they'd done a wee remix for their good friends Sky Larkin of their track 'ATM', which as you guessed it, it's free here.
The Girobabies
A last minute entry for this weeks freebies comes from The Girobabies who have posted up their track 'Big Society' up for free download.
It's a brave man that trusts my judgement! ;)