Randolph's Leap
In case some of you missed my post a couple of weeks back, myself and Halina from the Glasgow Podcart have decided to team up together to set up our own we label, Olive Grove Records. Our first release is going to be with the fabulous Randolph's Leap, who's EP 'Battelships & Kettle Chips' comes out a week on Monday (15th). As a wee taster of what you can expect, the band have posted all of their back catalogue to date up for free download on their Bandcamp page. You can also stream the EP in the toolbar on the right hand side of the screen, I hope you you like it as much as we do.
Norman Blake & Euros Childs
These guys have been playing together for what feels like an age, well now they have an EP up for grabs and yep you guess it, it's free. Get your grubby mitts on it here.
Many indie kids were creaming their pants over this freebie earlier in the week, personally I don't get what the fuss is all about, but that's just me. All you need to know is that if you head over to their homepage, you can download new track "Down by the Water"
Fang Islands
Another band that I think are slightly over hyped would Fang Islands, having been a bit of a buzz band a few months back I picked up their debut album, cannae mind what it was called. All I can say is that it didn't do much to get me excited, god I am sounding like such a miserable twat today. Anyway, here's what you need to know...Stereogum has a free download of a new track featuring the Andrew WK, get your mitts on 'Patterns on Wall' here.
This week those lovely FOUND boys are giving away a free download of a Ben Butler Edit of the awesome 'Let Fidelity Break', get downloading it here.
Cold War Kids
There first album was rather good wasn't it. Their second didn't quite click with em, in fact I don't think it clicked with a lot of folk. Their appearance at last years Stag & Dagger festival confirmed this for me, as after the Twilight Sad played to a packed out ABC, around 4/5 of the crowd buggered off elsewhere. Anyway, they're back! Will the new stuff redeem them to their former glories or are well too fickle these days to care. Make your own mind up by downloading 'Louder Than Ever'.
After making a delayed triumphant return to the live scene, Scottish alt-folkie, Peter Kelly continues to treat us kids. This time he's posted up new track 'Crooked Finger' to download for free on his Bandcamp.
Now there's a name I never we'd see again, whether we will still remains a mystery to me. They have posted up their first two EP's for free download. Personally I'd love to see them make a come back as they're one of the most fun live bands I've ever seen.
Dry The River
This freebie came courtesy of one of my forthcoming Scots Way-Hay interviewees, for now they shall remain nameless, but trust me they're good. Anyway back to Dry The River, they're a cracking wee folk outfit and they have a free EP up for grabs here.
We, the Plural
One of the biggest problems that I have with freebies these days is that I try and draft the post up the night before I actually post them up. This tends to involve me making lots of bookmarks or 'favouriting' tweets. Which is all well and good, but it does mean that I quite often find myself thinking where the hell did I find this. We' The Plural would be one such band. So whoever it was that tweeted/posted about them, cheers! They're from Edinburgh and they have an EP called Music Loves You Too up for free, it's rather good too.
Bill Coleman
This freebie comes courtesy of our irish blogger mate, Nialler9 (cracking blog - check it out kids). It comes with his seal of approval which is good enough for me, i.e. it's still on my 'to-do' list. You can download his album for free here.
Dinosaur Bones
Now for some Canadian music! Kicking us off I have Toronto outfit, Dinosaur Bones, who have just released a new EP. If you click here you can download the lead track 'Birthright'.
My second Canadian freebie comes courtesy of an outfit by the name of Cowlick, who hail from Hamilton (this confused the fuck out of me). Dylan from the band got in touch with me earlier in the week to suggest that I check out his outfit. This was the sales pitch that sold it to me "I was in a band called By Divine Right (yes, I'm yet starting another off shoot band), which as you may know, spun off into some well-known artists (Broken Social Scene, Holy Fuck, Feist)". If you click this link you'll find a number of free tracks up for grabs.
Bad Veins
Frabbits keep raving about this lot, even with the offer of free tunes I still haven't gotten round to listening to them. You can make your own mind up by downloading their track Benefits of Lying by clicking da link.
City Slang
Here's a cracking wee sampler for you all, it features tracks from artists such as Junip, Broken Social Scene and Lambchop, and it's free to download from...er Amazon in Germany....
Kelp Records
Here's another wee sampler for you, featuring tracks form Jim Bryson, The Acorn, HILOTRONS and Andrew Vincent, download it here.
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