09 September 2013

Fresh Meat Monday - Blood of the Bull

Would you care to introduce yourself?

HI THERE! I am 1 person named Hillary.

How would you describe the music you make?

Songs about whining, drowning, or boning for the most part. But not necessarily all 3 at once.

How did you start out making music?

 I started playing piano when I was 8, guitar when I was 14, and have only been playing drums about 3 years. I moved to Glasgow from the US in 2005 and have played in several bands since then, some of which I'm still currently in....

What process goes into the way you write songs?

Sprouts arbitrarily pop up for songs whenever they feel like it - mopping at work is a classic catalyst for something to show up. So is being sleep deprived. Then I try not to forget them by the time I get to a dictaphone or a guitar... then I make up the parts for all the other instruments, play them, and hope somebody is patient enough to put up with recording me. I'm only just now figuring out how to record myself...took me a while to get on that wagon.

What can people expect from your live shows?

A yankee girl with a whiskey and some instrument w keys. Some very kind, talented friends have offered to play live with me recently, so hopefully I'll be doing shows w a full band before the end of the year. Hope hope hope.

What are you all listening to at the moment?

Well right nowwww.......Helen Marnie's solo album. The Wipers. Sean Armstrong. Christeene. Brooke Candy. Arbouretum (just introduced to their stuff). And anything on Deena Jacobs' or Claudia Nova's mixclouds cos they always have hella good playlists. Never fail.

What can we expect to see/hear from you in the future?

Hrrrrrm.....I'm not completely sure. Stay tuned. Whatever it is, I hope it's equal parts sulking and pizzazz. I'll certainly try, anyway!

You can catch Blood of the Bull playing live this coming Saturday (14 September) at the Art School as part of the We Worship the Sun all-day event. Her new 'Bend Over' EP will be released on 12" vinyl by Soft Power Records in November.

Soft Power Records

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