11 February 2013

Fresh Meat Monday - Insect Heroes

Would you care to introduce yourself?   

We're brothers. I'm George and he's Evan Thomas. We came from the Pennines in Northern England originally. We're in Glasgow now though.   

How would you describe the music you make?   

It's just eccentric pop music really. I think we'd rather it wasn't so eccentric really though so we could sell some copies of it. We both like landscapes. I'd like to think some of them made it onto the record, especially the ones of Scotland, and the Pennines, and Outer Space. We like glamorous things too, such as gold teeth and fine art. I think you can probably hear some of that coming through as well. Musically I think Joe Meek is an influence, and Gorky's Zygotic Mynci, and The Beta Band, and Ariel Pink.   

How did you start out making music?   

I've written songs for a long while now I guess. I was probably just trying to show off to start with. I'm not really all that musical, and I was never very good at playing anyone else's songs, but for some reason it seemed like the thing to do. Evan went off to learn drums in this wee cabin up the back lane from our parents house. We've always tried to play together when we've been close enough, geographically and artistically speaking.   

What process goes into the way you write songs?   

Mostly I'll bring something in that's pretty much finished in terms of writing, and we'll work up an arrangement from there. I usually start with the lyrics, then just bash out some chords on a guitar. From there we trying and get something out of it that sounds vaguely original, or vaguely like something else that we like. We steal a lot, but fortunately we're not really good enough to make things sound the way they were meant to.   

What can people expect from your live shows?   

Good accessories. An improving level of musicianship. An exciting sense that everything might fall apart at any moment. Hopefully soon we'll have a karaoke option for every song as well, which I think would definitely add something to proceedings.   

What are you all listening to at the moment?   

Evan's listening to Electropop I think. Grimes mostly. I'm listening to The Durutti Column, Leonard Cohen, Aphex Twin, and a girl group compilation called Be My Baby.

What can we expect to see/hear from you in the future?  

It depends if we can get rid of some of these albums. Not much probably, if we can't. We've got some new songs that are kind of soulful and groovy. I'd really like to make a record that sounds like it's somewhere between Gnarls Barkley and Prince. The chances are slim, but we'll have a go.


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