03 December 2012

Fresh Meat Monday - CLEAVERS

Would you care to introduce yourself?  

My name is Danny, I play guitar and do vocals for a band called Cleavers, we're based up in Elgin and played our first gig on November 19th 2011.   

How would you describe the music you make?  

I'd say it was a big mix of old school hardcore, pop punk, grunge, rock 'n roll and modern garage....kinda like Fucked Up covering The Oblivians or something like that. We like lots of different music and aren't afraid of trying out different things.   

How did you start out making music?  

I started out when I was 14 or 15 and sang very badly for a band that wrote about 3 original songs in the year we were together and we played Blitzkrieg Bop at the school talent show.  I got bitten by the bug though and several bands later, a few dozen EP's, some terrible albums and now I'm doing something that people seem to really dig.   

What process goes into the way you write songs?  

In the past it was pretty much just me writing all the songs and directing the structures but now we're having a bit more collaboration in where I'll write the bones of a song and then we'll jam it out, re-work things and add parts until it turns into something we're all happy with.   

What can people expect from your live shows?  

It's very loud and pretty intense in the sense that we just keep playing song after song, we jump around a lot we're not big on making small talk. When we're totally on the ball we are very very tight.   

What are you all listening to at the moment?  

According to Last.fm I've been listening to Basement, Murderburgers, Three Blind Wolves, Gram Parsons, Smart Cops and the new Public Enemy records. I've also been building up my Jay Reatard and Fucked Up 7" collections recently.   

What can we expect to see/hear from you in the future?  

Our new 7" entitled Life Is Shit is out this week, we're doing a bunch of Scottish shows in December and will be booking a UK tour early next year. We've got a load of stuff in the pipeline which will all be revealed as the months go by!

Da Da Tunes

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