You might have noticed that this time 'Ayetunes' comes first, that was purely done to stop Jim from crying. He's a sensitive young soul. Anyway, as you can probably see from our ever so pretty poster, we have three cracking bands lined up for Saturday the 17th of July, We're Only Afraid of NYC, Randolph's Leap and Little Yellow Ukuleles.
I'm honestly chuffed to bits with that line up, We're Only Afraid of NYC were one of the bands I first featured when I started my Scots Way-Hay posts. Jim and I have both been big fans for a while now, we actually tried to get them for our first gig, so we're pretty excited to have finally got them. Randolph's Leap are a band that I only really came across a month or so ago, they caught me completely off guard. Having been so impressed by their gig up at last months GoNorth festival, I drunkenly ambled up to their lead singer Adam after their set to see if they'd consider playing at our gig. Just like the man from Del Monti, he said "yes".
Completing the bill are Glasgow indie-pop quartet, Little Yellow Ukuleles, a band that I have seen quite a few times in this past year. Every time they've put a massive grin on my face, and in my book that's the sign of a great live band.
I really think we have something pretty special lined up for this one, these aren't necessarily bands that you might expect to see on the same bill, but I think the variation makes it all the more fun. There is another reason for us going for the bands that we have, all three of these bands have had the bottle to put their music out their for free on their respective Bandcamp pages. In this day and age I think this is quite a bold step, but also a necessity to get your music heard. Jim and I both respect this, these guys are out there making amazing music and not asking for anything in return. It's about time that we showed these guys some respect in return, come down and support these three amazing Scottish acts, I promise you won't regret it.
We're Only Afraid of NYC Bandcamp
Randolph's Leap Bandcamp
Little Yellow Ukuleles Bandcamp

Tickets for the second 'Ayetunes vs Peenko' gig are on sale now, you can pre-order your tickets over on my Big Cartel page. They're priced at £5, there's no postage or booking fees or any other dreamed up ways for us to fleece money from you. If you are planning on coming along, please note that we had to turn quite a few folk away at our last gig, so you might be advised to get your tickets in advance. I look forward to seeing some of you there, it's going to be a top night!
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