26 November 2012

Fresh Meat Monday - The Yawns

Would you care to introduce yourself?   

Hello, we're the yawns. We comprise of Emma on bass, Gavin on guitar, Rikki on drums, Sean on vocals and Stuart on Guitar.   

How would you describe the music you make?   

Bedroom guitar pop.   

How did you start out making music?   

Gav and Rikki started a band called Toothpaste, but it didn't work because Rikki tried to play bass and drums at the same time. They decided to add some more members. The first one was Stuart, who they lived with and had played in bands with before. I (Sean) met them out one night and they asked me if I wanted to join their band that they had named the yawns. I remember thinking at the time that Sean and The Yawns had a nice ring to it, so I accepted. Emma joined on bass when we decided that I should just be the singer and not have an instrument apart from my mouth.  

What process goes into the way you write songs?    

We'll usually have a practice upstairs and someone will have an idea from before and we'll all work on it for a bit, then record it roughly. We'll then add to/streamline it etc. over time.   

What can people expect from your live shows?   

Guitar solos, truffle shuffles, awkwardness, bad haircuts, bad facial hair.   

What are you all listening to at the moment?   

R Stevie Moore, Mac Demarco, The Clean, Robert Wyatt, Bobby Conn, Cliff Richard and Siphon  

What can we expect to see/hear from you in the future?  

We're working on the second album as we speak. Videos.


You can catch The Yawns at the next Scottish Fiction presents: Ayetunes vs Peenko night at The 13th Note in Glasgow on Saturday 26th January alongside TeenCanteen and King Post Kitsch.

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