27 February 2012

Fresh Meat Monday - Die Hard

Would you care to introduce yourself?  

We are die hard, hello Peenko 

How would you describe the music you make?

Weird pop.  

How did you start out making music? 

We've been friends for years, we probably liked each other cause we had the same taste in music. We then used to make mixtapes; see who had the strangest selection. I remember film soundtracks used to feature a lot. Eventually that evolved into helping each other with songs we had written. A strange thing happened that cemented the idea of making music. We met Willie Nelson in A1 comics when we were about 13.  Although we didn't listen to his music, he's got one of those faces... so we shouted "hey Willie" at the man, under our breaths.  Turns out it was him and he invited us to the show in the Barras, then afterwards gave us some songwriting wisdom - "give the singer space". He is pretty mad.  

What process goes into the way you write songs?   

We get a demo together then hit record. Most of it is recorded live, ran through samplers, effects, then back out live to be recorded again. Sometimes, we'll sample it again. Some of it sounds really deep-under and murky but then, that's been our intention. We've worked with producers before - in previous bands - however, having our hands on the controls, being able to mix the picture and spending your own time creating & cleaning the painting, it feels natural. It's one of those closed system for us - seeing the song at the start and moulding it as it grows - right to the end. For the strings we invited some girls from RSAMD up. It was a different experience as they were all used to reading scores. It was a challenge to communicate the ideas across, so we had to whistle all the melodies. One of us ended up in front of them with a plastic beater, acting like Michael Kayman.   

What can people expect from your live shows?

Working on playing the album start to finish. BassWarrior Soundsystem have a groundshaking home-made PA rig, so we will get our hands on that and put on a show somewhere we can make it loud.  

What are you all listening to at the moment? 

As we write this out, some Morricone is playing out.  

What can we expect to see/hear from you in the future? 

We're soundtracking a film, an animation and working our head round a medley album. A collaboration with John Carpenter is in the wishlist; whatever we do, we plan to have a righteous ballin' time.

Die Hard - Nailed To The Cross

Halleluwah Hits

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