Since that night I have done a couple of other stints behind the decks at both the Kid Canaveral and Come on Gang! album launches. Now it appears that folk reckon I might actually be no bad at this putting a record on and pressing play, malarkey. In the next couple of months I will be inflicting my musical tastes on the general public.

On Thursday of this week I will be taking part in this months latest Born To Be Wide at the Electric Circus in Edinburgh for a seminar on blogging, alongside Jason from The Pop Cop, Matthew from Song By Toad and Scott Hutchison from Frightened Rabbit.
The aim is to provide an insight into how to go about setting up your own music blog, to discuss the importance of blogs in helping emerging acts and basically anything else that happens in the blogosphere. It should be a really interesting evening as we're all quite opinionated people.
Following the seminar, we are all going to turn our hand at spinning some records that we will have selected from Edinburgh’s Oxfam record shop that day, with everything that gets played being available to buy, with the proceeds going to the charity.
The evening all kicks off at 19:30, with the seminar running through until 2:130, you'll be pleased to learn that there's an interval half way through, oh and there's also a bar. Tickets are just £4.50, £3 to Musicians Union members and £2.50 for under 18s, you can buy them in advance here.

After Born To Be Wide, I will also be doing a couple more sets in May. Starting off with Miaoux Miaoux's single launch at Mono on the 17th, details for this one are still being finalised so I will let you know more about it nearer to the time. After this me and my fellow bloggers, The Pop Cop, Radar, Glasgow Podcart and Ayetunes, will be returning to play at the second Bloggers Delight evening being put on by the awesome folk at Pin Up Nights at the Flying Duck. There will also be live music on the evening from Endor, Mondegreen and Tokamak. Sadly my choice, Michael Cassidy has had to pull out of the evening.

My last stint behind the decks will be at the final Barmellodie night at Bar Bloc on Friday the 17th of June. The music for the evening comes from Cuddly Shark, Galoshins, Something Beginning With L and Lady North. Talk about going out with a bang, the first band will on about 11pm through until the wee hours of the morning. Entry is free until 11pm, then £2 thereafter.
Fuck knows what state I am going to get myself into, I guess it will be fun to find out!
Scott Hutchison-The Modern Leper
Miaoux Miaoux - Snow
Cuddly Shark - Bowl Of Cherries
Mondegreen - Casting Error
Endor - Without the Help of Sparks
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