Would you care to introduce yourself?
Andrew: Hello, I'm Andrew also from Saraseto, I'm also very lucky to manage Vendor Defender from Glasgow.
What inspired you to start your own label?
Andrew: I am inspired by labels like Fierce Panda and Armellodie and their output. That aside it is working with artist's in a creative capacity that motivates me most.
Wull: Yeah certainly Armellodie as well as labels like Song By Toad and Fat Cat. I had been considering going it alone for a while and then Andrew contacted me about the possibility of working together and its great being a part of a team when both of us are really passionate about the music we represent & release.
Who do you have signed to your label?
Andrew: Our first release includes Mitchell Museum, Over the Wall and Nevada Base. Our first single release is from Loon Choir who are based in Ottawa, Canada.
Being based in Scotland do you only sign Scottish artists?
Wull: Being in a digital age i guess there's no point in tying yourself down to just the bands that are in the same country, we made a concious decision to include Scottish acts but not to specify the label to that. There's alot of great talent that deserves some attention all over the world, hopefully we can also help create market for our overseas bands in Scotland. It also gives us the opportunity for us to work with them when they come to the UK for tours for instance Bravestation from Toronto are coming to Glasgow in May which I can't wait for.
Is this something you do as a hobby or can you make a living from it?
Andrew: Time will tell but for the moment we are enjoying working hard with the artists we have signed and looking forward to our launch in March.
Do you have a certain type of sound that you look for in a band?
Wull: Not a specific sound, i think i can speak for both of us when i say we love good pop hooks, i know i do. There's a bunch of great bands on the release with songs that'll get stuck in your head pretty easily.
How do you go about deciding which artists you want to work with? How do you go about approaching them?
Andrew: We are quiet decisive when choosing bands, at the same time we will only work with an artist that genuinely excites us.
The artists we have signed so far have came about through either working with them before, seeing them live or simply hearing a demo.
Wull: Yeah i like to think we know what we're looking for, every once in a while we don't exactly agree on someone but i think it makes us a strong team to have such a quality filter.
What has been you personal highlight from running the label so far?
Wull: I think for me it was when the compilation playlist was finally confirmed. We did alot of research, listened to tons of great music and ended up with a playlist we're not only happy to release but genuinely enjoy sitting back and listening to.
Andrew: Likewise, the compilation we are releasing is intended to represent what kind of label Saraseto will be. In that respect, I'm really pleased with the quality of artists on our first release and it provides us with a great foundation to build on.
What has been your biggest success?
Wull: For me? See above answer.
If you could give one piece of advice to someone wanting to start up their own label, what would it be and why?
Andrew: Save up.
What can we expect to see and hear from the label in the future?
'Everywhere you are' released 12th March, featuring Mitchell Museum, Eastern Conference Champions and Over The Wall
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