Would you care to introduce yourself?
Adam sings the songs, Vicki plucks the bass, Iain beats the drums, Andy scrubs the cello, Gareth tickles the old ivories whilst violin duties are fulfilled by Captain Colin or occasionally Heather Thicko.
How would you describe the music you make?
Like a bad lobster in a dark cellar.
How did you start out making music?
Everyone except for the violinists studied Commercial Music at the University of the West of Scotland which is basically like Fame Academy. The degree is coordinated by a floppy-haired old diva in a lycra suit called Allan and every lecture is expertly choreographed and delivered entirely in song. We got together a year or two ago, forming a song and dance troupe, performing cover versions and medleys from west-end shows on Ayr high street. American TV execs got wise to the buzz we were creating and, lo and behold, ‘Glee’ came along and that was game over. So now we’re ploughing a new furrow in folk-influenced indie pop because that’s what’s popular.
What process goes into the way you write songs?
We write the drum parts first, then we convene in the boardroom for a blue-sky brainstorming session to knock out some ideas before forwarding our proposals to the mitigation panel who will confer for a number of days before reaching a decision regarding performability.
What can people expect from your live shows?
Hot chicks and motorbikes.
What are you listening to at the moment?
The sound of the tide as it caresses the shoreline. An oyster-catcher chirps as it buoys gently in the ocean’s swell. A car rumbles past on the narrow single-track road far above my head before fading into silence leaving me with nothing but my own thoughts and the eternal companionship of the sea.
What can we expect to see/hear from you in 2010?
An EP in late September/early October. This will feature the sure-to-be-smash-hit and dancefloor classic ‘Going Home’ as well as Tony Yeboah’s favourite spoken-word, singalong folk-pop odyssey ‘As I Lie In The Mud’.
This month we play 13th Note on 17th and Classic Grand on 25th
Randolph's Leap - Squeamish
I'm not sure we are allowed motorbikes in The Note, I'll need to check.