Aye, I know, I know. It's been fucking ages since I done one of these things. It was supposed to be weekly. It's no longer weekly, and will be known from now on as The Infrequent 62-Word Review. Though I'll be doing plenty of them. Anyway, fire your music my way, email link is down the right hand side there. See it? Grand. Here we go...
Burnt Island - Music and Maths (mini album)
Minimalist instrumentation and arrangements untarnished by superfluous frills lie at the heart of this beautiful mini-album from novelist/biographer/journalist/lecturer Rodge Glass’ musical project. Glass’ voice is reminiscent of Zach Condon sprinkled with spores of Rufus Wainwright. Harmony-laden ‘Man On Fire’ is a highlight, as is the striking ’A Supposedly Fun Thing I’ll Never Do Again’. An elegant, fragile masterpiece.
Burnt Island play Captain's Rest on 14th May, and Brel on 13th June.
Over The Wall - Settle Down (single)
The new single from Over The Wall is a cracker. There’s a Super Nintendo feel about it as repetitive keyboard stabs fire away behind Ben and Gav’s harmonised musings on materialism and it’s worth (or lack of) when you are sharing your life with someone. And this all gives way towards the end as Brian May enters with a guitar solo. Class.
Over The Wall are playing all over Scotland in the next few 2 months, swatch their myspace for dates
Miaoux Miaoux - Blooms EP
Blooms is a collection of laid-back electronica which puts me in mind of Kid A-era Radiohead crossed with Hot Chip’s more subdued moments. Both Pixellated and Dream On’s dense beats contrast the airy synths which float above and lure the mind off to somewhere far more pleasant. A fantastic EP, sit back with the lights off and headphones on for this one.
Miaoux Miaoux plays 13th Note on Thursday (22nd April) and Creation Studios on 2nd May.
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