This weeks Friday Freebies might seem a bit rushed, this is due to a major fuck up and all of the content being wiped, so this is me quickly trying to re-post everything I've found this week......
Tokyo Police Club
Give them your email address and they'll send you a new song. 'Breakneck Speed' which is taken from their forthcoming album 'Champ'.
Campfires in Winter
If you haven't heard of these guys before then now is the time to do some catching up, their live set for the Glasgow Podcart first birthday bash is up for free download here.
Oliver Stays
If you were paying attention then you might remember I ran a wee feature on these guys back in February, if you missed or you liked what you heard at the time then get downloading their new song 'The Unevolved'. All you have to do is sign up to their mailing list.
Dr Dog
Their new record 'Shame, Shame' is due out in June, I've been looking forward to it for a while now, so I was quite chuffed to find out that they were giving away new song 'Stranger'.
The latest band from NYC to be hyped before they've barely started, this is one for all you scenesters out there. Whether they'll be the new Vampire Weekend or perhaps follow the Black Kids into obscurity is still not clear, still though you can claim to have heard them first by downloading these four demos.
La Shark
The London band have a free download of their song '1958' which is available in exchange for your email address.
Little Yellow Ukuleles
Their song 'Discopants' has been one of my favourite freebies so far this year, there are now a couple of other tracks up for free download on their Bandcamp page just now. Check em.
The American band have a new EP available for free download, all you need to do is give them your email address and a postcode and hey presto you have yet another freebie.
Kowalskiys Komplimentary Korner
What with Spencer Krug and the Wolf Parade mob coming to Glasgow in May, here's an EP
(well really just one 20 minute song!) from his new solo "Moonface" project. It's called
"Dreamland EP: marimba and shit-drums".
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