Would you care to introduce yourself?
We are Vegas Nights. Tommy, Chris, John, Harry and Neil. The original and best no nonsense merchants. We are currently promoting the release of our second single Shock which is available now on iTunes.
How would you describe the music you make?
We've got a lot of different influences and we try to combine a lot of them rather than using one artist as a main inspiration. Joy Division and New Order are hugely influential on our sound but we try not to make this too obvious, mainly because everyone in the band brings their own style and inspirations to the music. We still want to keep some level of originality.
How did you start out making music?
We formed in late 2008. We had all played in bands before for a few years and finally decided to take it seriously. A few members have come and gone and the style of the songs have changed since we started.
What process goes into the way you write songs?
Mainly just messing around in rehearsal rooms or sometimes someone brings an idea in and we work around that. There's no set process really, we just do whatever seems right. We don't think about it too much.
What can people expect from your live shows?
Intensity and hideous onstage patter from John. We're working on stamping that out at the moment though.
What are you all listening to at the moment?
Tommy: The Smiths, Morrissey, The Durutti Column, 10cc, MSTRKRFT
Chris:The Chantelles, Fleetwood Mac, Beach Boys, Camera Obscura
Harry: Animal Collective, Tortoise, Beck, Pavement
John: Oasis, Kasabian, The Beatles
Neil: Joy Division, Pet Shop Boys
What can we expect to see/hear from you in 2010?
Vegas Nights - Shock (MP3)
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