Would you care to introduce yourself?
We are Julia and the Doogans. The bass and drums have been rather flexible as of late but the core of the band is: Julia - vocals, guitar and banjo Alan - guitar, vocals, bits of percussion Carolann - flute Renata - cello Jennifer - piano
How would you describe the music you make?
Laid back, mellow and above all - simple.
How did you start out making music?
I always wanted to sing ever since I was young. After high school I still wanted to sing but developed this desire to write my own songs so I went to college because I wanted to know how to home record/ do it myself. I had tried and failed many instruments but stuck with the guitar and soon found an obsessive nature towards the flute, banjo and trumpet and anything else I could get a sound out of. I met Alan, Carolann and Jennifer through college who had followed their interest in it and like me went on to study it and Renata had been playing violin for years before moving onto cello 3 years ago.
What process goes into the way you write songs?
I don't make a point of setting an hour or time frame aside specifically for songwriting as it's too regimented for me to do that. I usually sit with the guitar or banjo and just see what sounds good and it's a combination of having things I want to say and a way of saying these things. I jot ideas down a lot and wait however long for a peice of music and melody to suit the idea - could be instant or take a while for something to suit an idea. The way I write is evolving which is good. Keeps me on my toes. Once I have a full or near full song/structure I express any ideas with the band and then they put in their ideas. Magic.
What can people expect from your live shows?
For the next little while people can expect homemade cupcakes, CD's and magnets all for free! Aside from the cakes being the most popular, I think people sort of get two shows in one. Half is all of us and then it gradually dwindles down to me on my own finishing with the quieter songs...and some new songs throughout the set.
What are you all listening to at the moment?
Damien Rice, Lisa Hannigan, Low, Belle and Sebastian - loads and loads and loads. Classical music as well.
What can we expect to see/hear from you in 2010?
Cupcakes, new songs, a release or two, another animated video or two, gigs gigs and more gigs and perhaps a tour.
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