So you've finished all of your Christmas shopping, or at least I fucking hope you have. It's time to chill out have a few beers and prepare yourself for having to spend the next 24 hours stuffing your face and drinking till you can longer speak (or is that just me?). You might already be preparing yourself for some pretty god awful presents that you'll have to pretend you REALLY like, so why not treat yourself to a wee handmade EP from the fabulous Second Hand Marching Band. For a measly £3.50 they will make you a CD and you'll get your own numbered hand made copy. This tasty treat is only available up to the 1st of January, 2010, so if you want one you're going to have to be quick off the mark. As there will probably only be a few dozen or so made so it might be "
pure special", you can order yourself a copy
here (if you can't be arsed with CD's anymore then you can also download it, but that wouldn't be anywhere near as pretty!). You can stream all of the songs at their Bancamp page, you can also stream the first track on the EP 'Bonbon' below, cause I know how tough it can be to click on a link. Stop faffing about and get this bought, it's Christmas treat yourself.
Happy Christmas
Love Peenko x
BandcampHome Myspace
It's totally worth a few quid.