11 September 2009


Earlier in the week the lineup of the of Homecoming Live was announced, I had toyed with the idea of posting about it, but to be honest I found the whole event so ill thought out it didn't deem worthy of inflicting upon the good folk that come on here. Taking place at the SECC on the weekend of St. Andrews Day the event is supposed to be a celebration of Scottish Music, so why on earth the organisers reckon that a stage featuring the old irrelevant codgers stage and the random as fuck stage, seriously King Creosote on the same bill as the View, which smart arse came up with that idea. Bugger ,I have succumbed and posted about it, and I really didn't mean or want to, honestly I didn't. No seriously, honest, cross my heart, but as it's the giant elephant in corner of the room that I can't avoid. There is a glimmer of light that might seem more appealing than being surrounded by thousands View fans (or neds as they are more commonly known), and that is the rather cracking alternative that is being offered up at King Tuts, which includes The Pastels, the 1990s, Sergeant and We Were Promised Jetpacks. Tickets are on sale as of now, just click on the links.

Fri. 27th - The Pastels + 1990's
Sat. - 28th Sergeant
Sun 29th - We Were Promised Jetpacks

Before I go, I have one last gripe, Tommy Reilly on the coffin dodgers stage, ultimate fail


  1. so much anger and hatred surely cant be good for you :-)

  2. Strange set-up indeed. Does more harm than good probably.


  3. Anonymous17/9/09

    Would have to agree with all of that apart from the fact that you failed to mention that Sergeant are shite. Scotland did not need it's own "Diet Cast" for the noughties.

  4. I've never actually heard hear anything by Sergeant, after hearing that I'll do my best to make sure it stays that way

  5. Anonymous20/9/09

    Sergeant are slightly less shite than The Law, but not by much.

  6. Anonymous12/10/09

    I would still rather be intimate with a broken bottle, than listen to either. Complete rubbish, without a single redeeming quality, the pair of them.
