27 February 2009

Introducing - The Soft Pack

The Soft Pack, are a four piece from San Diego currently residing in LA, who were, until recently, called the Muslims. Unfortunately, they had to change their name as it was causing a wee bit of controversy, doesn't the Muslims sound like a much cooler name for a band. Anyway, they're getting a fair amount of hype at the moment so i thought I'd post something up. What do they sound like you might well ask (if you a re a bit nuts and talk to your PC, as most of the folk in my office seem to do), well a bit Strokes-like with a touch of Jonathan Richman, would be the best attempt at desciribing their sound. They released their debut single, 'Nightlife/Bright Side' a couple of weeks back, check it out below.

Try it

The Soft pack will be supporting Franz Ferdinand at their Barrowlands shows on the 4th and 5th of March, then headlining King Tuts on the 26th of May.

If you like what you hear and want more, then you can also find some of their material when they played as the Muslims, here

1 comment:

  1. I do like what I hear and I do hope to hear more - looking forward to more music from these guys. A lot of potential. Great post. Thanks.
