24 January 2009

Blast From The Past (part one) - Baby Chaos

A long long time ago in a galaxy...sorry I meant 1995, I went to my second ever gig and stumbled across the first band that were fortunate enough to receive some Lloydy love obsession, many followed, step forward Symposium, Idlewild, Snow Patrol, Frightened Rabbit, et al. But as the saying goes, you never forget your first love, and mine was Baby Chaos, hailing from Stewarton just outside Kilmarnock, these boys blew away Terrorvision (the band that I had gone to see, do keep up), and from that moment on I was hooked. Somehow rave reviews (in Kerrang!) and support slots on many a Wildhearts tour never saw them break through to the mainstream.
I just thought I would take this opportunity to go back and revisit their first two albums, 'Safe Sex, Designer Drugs & the Death of Rock'n'Roll' and 'Love Yourself Abuse'.
After being dropped by EastWest (mainly due to the A&R man the signed them leaving the company) and the departure of drummer Davey Greenwood (who was replaced by the drummer from Jesus Jones) the band changed their name to Deckard and released another 2 albums.
Lead singer Chris Gordon is now singer in Glasgow band 'Union of Knives'.

Baby Chaos
Union of Knives

Hello (feat. Kelly MacDonald no less)


  1. So I'm listening to Baby Chaos for the rest of the week. Still not too sure how that happened...

  2. Haha, that works for me :)
