20 October 2008

Review of the Treasure Island Music Festival, San Francisco (21/09/08)

In recent years I have become more open to the idea of going to festivals abroad, the guarantee of sunshine, no mud and ten person deep queues to buy a £4 flat pint of lager has for some strange reason made me think that festival-ing outwith the UK might well be the way forward. So when I noticed that there was a festival on whilst I was on my honeymoon (I have a very understanding wife), I really couldn't knock the opportunity back.

Set on a made made Island in the San Franciscan Bay, I can hand on heart say that this was the most visually stunning setting festival that I have been to (fair enough Connect has its beautiful views of Argyll, but it never stops raining long enough for you to see anything!).
The glorious sunshine that we had all day just added to the very laid back atmosphere, the thing I found hard to comprehend, is just how respectable everyone was. There was nobody stoating about 'psihed oot there heid' at 1pm, actually come to think of it there was nobody who even vaguely looked liked they had more than one whole pint of beer! Litter-wise, punters held onto their empty cups, no pissing into empty glasses and launching them, in fact they were taking them to their respective recycling points. All very sociable, and I must admit that I did feel a touch jealous at how civilised it all ways, although by the end of the evening I did start to find the good behaviour a bit sickening, but fair play to the San Franciscan, they don't need to drink to enjoy themselves. Perhaps we could learn a lesson from them, as this would require as to have non-stop sunshine for most of the year and not to drink at any given opportunity, it ain't gonna happen.
The Main Stage
Festival Stalls (no tie-dyed t-shirts to be seen)

Palm trees and in the distance San Francisco

Or the Whale on the 2nd stage

Having swotted up on the majority of bands playing at TI, Or the Whale were the only band I hadn't actually heard anything by. This local seven piece band were actually a real joy to watch, playing upbeat indie-pop songs, that made me glad that we'd got down there early. Their debut album 'Light Poles and Pines' is an album that I plan to get hold of in the next few months.

Or The Whale
Try before You Buy

Port O'Brien

I have to admit that was slightly disappointed with Port O'Brien, 'All We Could Do Was Sing' is one of my favourite albums of this year, so I had made sure that we got there early to catch them. The crowd didn't seem to be that interested and they didn't play for long enough in my opinion.

John Vanderslice

I had heard a few JV tunes before TI, he seems to be a kind of cult figure within the San Francisco music scene. His songs were pleasant enough, but there wasn't too much that got me excited, although one his new songs did get my hips swaying.


Chilling out with SF in the background

Tokyo Police Club

The Morning Benders

Check out their free covers album here

Fleet Foxes

Try before you buy (LP & EP) here

The Dodos

Vampire Weekend

Dr Dog

The Sun Setting Over the Golden Gate Bridge

Beer Tent Queue at 9pm

Coffee Stand at 9pm

The Raconteurs

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